Graduation, Title
- Bachelor's degree in Mechanical engineering
- Engineer from "l'école des mines d'Alès" - France (Heat transfer- Building structure calculation)
- Senior expert at CEA-France (Cryogenic and heat transfer)
Some references
- In charge of the development of the cryogenic system of the Laser Megajoule facility (France) (cryogenic target positionner, cryogenic thermal shield remover).
- Development of magnetic levitation facilities dedicated to the study of liquids behaviour in space.
- Development of cryogenic targets for high powered lasers (PetaWatt). Patent of a cryogenic extruder for solid Hydrogen and Deuterium « EP 2 682 695 A1 »
- Development and exploitation of cooling water loops of several MW on the tokamak Tore-Supra. Thermohydraulic calculation.